Thursday, September 5, 2013

Just Send a Hug.

Sometimes when you are having a hard time, its nice to get an email from a clever friend:

Hi Cee,

"Nation Currently More Sympathetic To Demise Of Planet Krypton Than Plight of Syria"  - you can guess what I was just reading.  I wish people would lay off Obama; it's an impossible situation.
I need a break from constantly scanning job descriptions so what can I say.  How is it going?  I wish we could have had more time together when you were up here.  I cannot get over what a little man your son is becoming.  I got my first paycheck last week, and I will be working at least 3 full days this week (while continuing to look for full-time work) so I'm going to save my money and come down and see you guys.  I want to meet the cat and see your new place. 
Not much new here.  I am glad for the advent (wishful thinking, maybe) of fall.  I am really awfully tired of sweating.  Georgie and Ned are still in Maine - they drive home Saturday.  Apparently, miracle of miracles, the baby peacocks are doing well - only lost one so far, which is highly unusual.  How's the job?  I think of you often and hope that it's getting easier for you.  I am having weekly therapy sessions with a crazy man, but he's smart so I like to hear what he says.  A former extremely violent criminal and diagnosed sociopath (see, you like him already, don't you?) who I hope will help me untangle the knots in my brain. 
Spent a lot of time on trains the last week or so, so I am reading a lot.  Just finished "The Last Picture Show" by Larry McMurtry.  Kind of carries you along despite being depressing and somewhat grotesque, but that's sort of how he writes.  And I read "A Farewell To Arms" by Ernest Hemingway.  It was okay, but didn't move me like some of his other stuff.  Also read a thriller by some right-wing writer where the Navy SEALs make the world safe for America's continuing oil supply.  You can imagine.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and send a hug.


  1. "untangle the knots in my brain" - I love that.

  2. I could use a male therapist who is a sociopath.

  3. I'm glad you are blogging again!!! Or did I already say that? Write more.
